Get aggregated measurements

Get aggregated measurements

Get all measurements for requested attributes, patient, in a predefined time range, in an aggregated format.
attributes must have at least one value.
sourceEntityId may be empty, in which case it will return measurements from all sourceEntities.
sessionId may be empty, in which case it will return measurements from all sessions.
endTime must be after startTime.

Query Parameters:

binIntervalSecondsintegertrueThis number defines the aggregation time in seconds. If 6 is provided, it will aggregate all measurements in a 6 seconds interval1
patientIdstringtrueThe patient's ID3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6
sourceEntityIdstringfalseThe ID of the source entity who entered the measurements. Can be a device's id, a doctor's id, etc. If not sent all sources will be returneddevice1
sessionIdstringfalseThe session's Id. If not sent all sessions will be returned6b52af6e-92c8-4827-aaf2-d8805586ab5f
startTimestringtrueThe wanted start time for the historical measurements. In ISO8601 format2007-12-20T10:15:30Z
endTimestringtrueThe wanted end time for the historical measurements. In ISO8601 format2007-12-20T10:15:30Z

This API requires PROTECTED_API permission(s).

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