Search Template entities by filter
Returns list of Template, the response can be filtered, sorted and supports pagination
For more information and examples on creating search requests, click here.
Each additionalProp can filter one field, inside additionalProp there are many optional conditions that can be used for filtering that field
By using the logical additionalProps $AND, $OR, $NOT, you can add complex nested logic filters. When sending these props, you must send only the nested filter field inside the filter value. This will allow you to group additional filters using logical AND/OR/NOT operators. When not sending a logic prop (including when not sending a nested logic prop), the props are bundled together using logical AND operators, this means that only the items that match all filter conditions for that field will be returned.
filter items possible values: [ id,name,entityTypeName, parentTemplateId,,ownerOrganizationId, ]
Results can be sorted by multiple fields, the order of the fields in the sort request governs the hierarchy of the sort
The first field is the primary sort, the second is used when two values of the first field are the same, and so forth
sort.order default value is DESC
sort.prop possible values:[ id,entityTypeName,creationTime ]
If sort was not specified, the result will be sorted by: creationTime DESC
Free text search
When freeTextSearch is passed, the free text search will be performed on every field except those of type Date
If used together with filters, freeTextSearch will be bundled to the filters with the logical AND operator, this means that only items that match all filters (and each filter's conditions) and the free text search will be returned
limit max number of results that will be returned for each page. If not specify, the default will be 100
page page number starting from 0. If not specify, the default will be 0
Build URL
Encode the JSON object and use the encoded string as the searchRequest parameter:
Returns Minimized search response
Query Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description | Example |
searchRequest | false | Search request parameters: filter, sort and page |