Update Plugin

Update Plugin

Performs partial update, if a field is specified in the request it will be updated

Will upload the code file and publish the plugin if code is sent,
and subscribe to all requested notifications and interceptions to the endpoint.
Existing environment variables that arent sent will be removed, can be sent as null and there will be no changes.
Existing subscriptions that are not sent will be unsubscribed from, can be sent as null and there will be no changes.
If runtime is changed to a different language and a seed is already deployed, a seed of the new language will be used.
If runtime is changed to a different language and custom code is already deployed, the code will not change.
The imageTag field is relevant only for deploymentPackageType = IMAGE. Specify the tag you used when you uploaded the image using the docker push command. After being attach to the plugin, the image will be managed by the server.
The imageTag has no meanings after a successful call and will not be returned as part of the response, the imageTag is only a way to provide the plugin code when the deploymentPackageType is IMAGE (instead of using the code parameter).
If this API fails, it will roll back the changes it made.
This is a "multipart/form-data" request that includes both the binary zip file and configuration
The form should include 2 parameters:

  1. "code": Non-mandatory binary zip file.
  2. "config": Mandatory JSON configuration of the plugin.

For more detailed information regarding the plugins, please visit the following page: https://docs.biot-med.com/docs/biot-plugins

Path Parameters:


This API requires SETTINGS_PLUGIN_UPDATE permission(s).

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!