Self sign up for patients

Self sign up for patients

This API is used by a patient to sign up. The patient will be created with the provided information.
If registration code is provided - the patient will be assigned to the device linked to the provided registration code.
The Registration code must exist and be linked to a device.
That device should not be assigned to any patient, and be in the same organization as the patient or in the manufacturer's organization.

(*)This parameter is mandatory only if its optional parent attribute is defined. Click here for more information.

Request Body Parameters:

_name.firstNamestringtrue(*)A person's first nameJohn
_name.lastNamestringtrue(*)A person's last nameSmith
_descriptionstringfalseA description, can be up to 5000 characters longLorem Ipsum
_emailstringtrueAn email address in the RFC-5322
_phonestringfalseA person's phone An E.164 formatted phone number+12345678901
_localestringfalseA person's locale Locale in the following format: {language-ISO639}-{countryCode-ISO3166} lowercase.en-us
_genderstringfalseA persons gender Values:MALE,FEMALE,UNDISCLOSEDFEMALE
_dateOfBirthstringfalseA person's date of birth A UTC date in the ISO-8601 formatThu Dec 20 00:00:00 UTC 2007
_address.countryCodestringtrue(*)A 2-letter country code defined in ISO-3166US
_address.statestringfalseA stateMassachusetts
_address.citystringfalseA cityBoston
_address.zipCodestringfalseA zipcode02101
_address.address1stringfalseAn address11 Main St.
_address.address2stringfalseAn address's specificsEntry B, Apartment 1
_mfa.enabledbooleantrue(*)MFA login enabled or disabled
_mfa.expirationInMinutesintegerfalseMFA expiration time in minutes
_credentialTypestringfalseWhat type of credentials is used when logging in to the system. Default:PASSWORD Values:PASSWORD,OTP
_additionalPhonestringfalseAn E.164 formatted phone number+12345678901
_nationalIdstringfalseA person's national ID123456789
_usernamestringtrueUser's username. Can be an email or a regular username. With this username you login to the or john123
_passwordstringtrueA passwordAa123456
_deviceRegistrationCodestringfalseThe registration code entity that is attached to the deviceRegistrationCode123
_ownerOrganization.idstringtrue(*)A UUID formatted string3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6
_caregiver.idstringtrue(*)A UUID formatted string3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6

This API is public.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!