Upload ETags for parts of a multiple part file upload

Upload ETags for parts of a multiple part file upload

Each file upload to the links returned from this API will return an 'ETag' header.
This header must be sent to this API, if it is not sent, the part will be ignored when the file is combined.
Multiple ETags can be passed here, although ideally after each part is uploaded the returned ETag is sent to the service (to prevent data loss).
If sending a tag for a part that was already sent, the previous tag for that part number will be overridden.
This can also be done in completeMultiplePartUploadFile API.
Part numbers must be only for existing parts in the system, and cannot repeat in the same request.
May only be used on uncompleted multiple part uploads.
At least one part must be sent in the list.

(*)This parameter is mandatory only if its optional parent attribute is defined. Click here for more information.

Request Body Parameters:

parts[index].partNumberintegertrue(*)The part number for which to save the eTag5

Path Parameters:

idstringtrueFile ID3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6

This API requires PROTECTED_API permission(s).

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!