Get MQTT temporary credentials for receiving notification for all entities in an organization.

Get MQTT temporary credentials for receiving notification for all entities in an organization.

Also returns a single topic formatted '[ownerOrganizationId]/+/+'.
[ownerOrganizationId] will be filled from the access token and should not be changed.
The first [+] represents entityType and can be changed to any entityType. this topic will include only messages from that entity type. [+] can be used to listen to all entity types.
The second [+] represents entityId and can be changed to any entityId in the organization, this topic will include only messages from that entity. [+] can be used to listen to all entities.
E.g. The topic for an organization with id [64a454f0-352f-4373-a39f-5bded3cf58e9] and entity with type device listening to all notification will be '64a454f0-352f-4373-a39f-5bded3cf58e9/device/+'.

This API requires PROTECTED_API permission(s).

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!