JUMP TOThe BioT APIThe BioT API - Getting StartedBioT Device ServiceDevice APISearch Device entities by filtergetCreate a new Device by Template idpostCreate a new Device by Template namepostGet Device by IDgetDelete DevicedeleteUpdate DevicepatchGet Device Connection Details by IDgetDevice Certificate APICreate new Certificate for DevicepostDelete Certificate for DevicedeleteActivate Certificate for DevicepostTemporary Token Operation APIValidation token operationgetExecute token operationpostExecute token operationgetUsage Session APICreate a new Usage Session by Template idpostCreate a new Usage Session by Template namepostGet Usage Session by IDgetDelete Usage SessiondeleteUpdate Usage SessionpatchSearch Usage Session entities by filtergetSearch currently in progress devices' sessions entities by filtergetDelete Usage SessiondeleteUsage Session Remote Control APIStop an existing Usage SessionpostResume a paused Usage SessionpostPause an existing Usage SessionpostCreate and start a Usage SessionpostCommand APIStart a new command by namepostStop an existing CommandpostStart a new commandpostGet Command by IDgetDelete CommanddeleteSearch Command entities by filtergetDevice Alert APICreate a new Device Alert by Template idpostCreate a new Device Alert by Template namepostGet Device Alert by IDgetDelete Device AlertdeleteUpdate Device AlertpatchSearch open device's alerts entities by filtergetSearch Device Alert entities by filtergetTemporary Credentials APIGet mqtt temporary credentials for device gatewaygetGet mqtt temporary credentials for receiving device measurements for all devices in an organization.getEndpoint APIGet endpointgetHealth Check APIService Health check APIgetBioT Dispatcher ServiceSubscription APIUnsubscribe from notifications for actionspostSubscribe to get notifications for actionspostSearch Subscription entities by filtergetInterception APIUnsubscribe a specific endpoint from intercepting API(s)postSubscribe for intercepting APIspostSearch for active interception subscriptionsgetHealth Check APIService Health check APIgetBioT Data Management ServiceTemporary Token Operation APIValidation token operationgetExecute token operationpostExecute token operationgetReport APICancel ReportpostCreate a new ReportpostSearch Report entities by filtergetGet Report by IDgetDelete ReportdeleteAnalytics DB APIStop Analytics DB SynchronizationpostStop Analytics DB InitializationpostStart Analytics DB InitializationpostGet Analytics DB Information by IDgetGet Analytics DB Connection Details by IDgetAnalytics DB State APIStop Analytics DB SynchronizationpostStop Analytics DB InitializationpostStart Analytics DB InitializationpostGet Analytics DB StategetAnalytics DB Connection APIGet Analytics DB Connection Details by IDgetHealth Check APIService Health check APIgetBioT Settings ServiceTemplate APIGet Template by IDgetUpdate TemplateputDelete TemplatedeleteSearch Template entities by filtergetCreate a new TemplatepostGet template overviewgetSearch Template entities by filtergetPlugin-V2 APISearch Plugin entities by filtergetCreate a new PluginpostGet plugin by namegetDelete PlugindeleteUpdate PluginpatchGet temporary credentials for the docker repositorygetTranslation APIValidate translations for localepostUpdate translations for localepatchDownload locale translation filegetSearch Locale translations overview entities by filtergetDelete all translations for localedeleteSystem APIReset systempostGet system propertiesgetBackup APIBackuppostSearch Restore entities by filtergetSearch Backup entities by filtergetLocale APIAdd locale to the available localespostGet available locales, the default locale and the system localegetUpdate available locales and/or the system default locale.patchRemove a locale from the available localesdeleteExport Import Configuration APIStart import configurationpostStart export configurationpostGet the last import executiongetGet exported files metadatagetGet the last export executiongetCode Snippet APICreate a new Code snippetpostGet Code snippet by IDgetDelete Code snippetdeleteEntity APIGet all Entity typesgetGet all notifiable actionsgetGet all Entity typesgetGet all notifiable actionsgetInterception Configuration APISearch Code snippet entities by filtergetSearch Interception Configurations entities by filtergetHealth Check APIService Health check APIgetBioT User Management ServiceUser APIGenerate a new password for a UserpostValidate user credentialspostGet User by IDgetDelete UserdeleteUpdate UserpatchSearch User entities by filtergetLogin APIRefresh JWT tokenpostLogin with refresh tokenpostLogin with OTPpostGenerate login OTPpostLogoutpostLogin with credentialspostSelf User APISelf get usergetSelf registration of UserpostSelf delete userdeleteSelf update userpatchSend reset password messagepostMFA Login APIMFA loginpostResend SMS for MFA verificationpostService User APISearch Service User entities by filtergetCreate a new Service UserpostCreate a new Service UserpostService User LoginpostGet Service User by IDgetDelete Service UserdeleteUpdate Service UserpatchDelete secret key of a service user by service user id and secret key iddeleteTemporary Token Operation APIValidation token operationgetExecute token operationpostExecute token operationgetTemporary Credentials APIGet MQTT temporary credentials for receiving notification for all entities in an organization.getSecurity APIGet public keygetHealth Check APIService Health check APIgetBioT Generic Entity ServiceGeneric Entity APISearch Generic Entity entities by filtergetCreate a new Generic Entity by Template idpostCreate a new Generic Entity by Template namepostGet Generic Entity by IDgetDelete Generic EntitydeleteUpdate Generic EntitypatchHealth Check APIService Health check APIgetBioT Notification ServiceConfiguration APIGet service configurationgetSet service configurationputGet is sms provider configuredgetSMS APISend smspostEmail APISend emailpostAdd attachmentpostHealth Check APIService Health check APIgetBioT FacadePatient Sign Up APISelf sign up for patientspostAnonymous self sign up for patientspostAssign a device to a patientpostHealth Check APIService Health check APIgetBioT Measurement ServiceMeasurements APISave measurementpostSave measurements in bulkpostGet raw measurementsgetGet aggregated measurementsgetMeasurements V2 APISearch Raw Measurements entities by filtergetSearch Aggregated Measurements entities by filtergetHealth Check APIService Health check APIgetBioT File ServiceMultiple Part File APIUpload ETags for parts of a multiple part file uploadputGenerate signed URLs for multiple part file uploadpostCreate a new FilepostComplete multiple part file uploadpostCancel multiple part file uploaddeleteFile APICreate a new FilepostGet File by IDgetHealth Check APIService Health check APIgetBioT Organization ServiceLanding Page APIGet landing pages by typegetSet a landing pageputDelete landing pages by typedeletePatient APISearch Patient entities by filtergetCreate a new Patient by Template idpostEnable or Disable Patient UserpostCreate a new Patient by Template namepostGet Patient by IDgetDelete PatientdeleteUpdate PatientpatchSearch available organizations for sign up entities by filtergetGet self Patient by ID from access tokengetPatient Alert APICreate a new Patient Alert by Template idpostCreate a new Patient Alert by Template namepostGet Patient Alert by IDgetDelete Patient AlertdeleteUpdate Patient AlertpatchSearch open patient's alerts entities by filtergetSearch Patient Alert entities by filtergetOrganization User APISearch Organization User entities by filtergetCreate a new Organization User by Template idpostEnable or Disable Organization UserpostCreate a new Organization User by Template namepostGet Organization User by IDgetDelete Organization UserdeleteUpdate Organization UserpatchGet self Organization User by ID from access tokengetCaregiver APISearch Caregiver entities by filtergetCreate a new Caregiver by Template idpostEnable or Disable Caregiver UserpostCreate a new Caregiver by Template namepostGet Caregiver by IDgetDelete CaregiverdeleteUpdate CaregiverpatchGet self Caregiver by ID from access tokengetTemporary Token Operation APIValidation token operationgetExecute token operationpostExecute token operationgetRegistration Code APISearch Registration Code entities by filtergetCreate a new Registration Code by Template idpostCreate a new Registration Code by Template namepostGet Registration Code by IDgetDelete Registration CodedeleteUpdate Registration CodepatchOrganization APISearch Organization entities by filtergetCreate a new Organization by Template idpostCreate a new Organization by Template namepostUpdate OrganizationpostGet Organization by IDgetDelete OrganizationdeleteUpdate OrganizationpatchInvitation APIResend Invitation by IDpostUser APIGet self User by ID from access tokengetHealth Check APIService Health check APIgetBioT Entity ServiceHealth Check APIService Health check APIgetPowered by Logoutpost https://example.com/ums/v2/users/logoutLogout Logout by providing refresh token This API is public.