Set a landing page

Set a landing page

Landing pages with a null value in the organizationId field are considered as global landing pages.
Those with a value in the organizationId field are overrides for that specific organization.
If an override exists for an organization, it will be used instead of the global landing page, if not, the global landing page will be used.

Request Body Parameters:

userTypestringtrueThe type of the user. Can be one of the following: [patient, caregiver, organization-user]patient
organizationIdstringtrueA UUID formatted string3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6
urlstringtrueThe landing page URL

Path Parameters:

landingPageTypestringtrueThe type of the landing page. Could be one of the following: [ACCEPT_INVITATION, FORGOT_PASSWORD]ACCEPT_INVITATION

This API requires LANDING_PAGE_SET_LANDING_PAGE permission(s).

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