Adding a New Organization User



Before adding new Organization Users, you should first edit the Organization User Templates in the BioT Console (see Editing Organization User Templates).

Step 1 - Organization Users Tab

  1. Login to the BioT Organization Portal.
  2. Click the Organization Users tab.

You can configure the information that appears on the Organization Users list in the Portal Builder of the BioT Console (see Customizing Organization Portal Layouts).

  1. From the Organization Users list, click Add.
  1. Select the template to use for the new Organization User from the dropdown list.

Step 2 - Add Organization User Page

In the Add Organization User page that appears, you can now enter the user's information as described in Adding an Organization User Template.



Not all fields in the Add Organization User pane are required to create a new Organization User. Required fields will have a red asterisk next to them.

The image below shows an example of the fields which may be present when adding a new Organization User. The specific fields seen will depend on the fields configured in the Portal Builder in the BioT console.

Step 3 - Add Organization User

Click Add when you finish filling out all the fields.

The new Organization User is added and you are returned to the Organization User list.



You can click on the X in the top right corner of the Add Organization User pane at any time to discard the new user and return to the Organization User List.

For more information on configuring the fields available when adding new Organization Users, see Customizing Organization Portal Layouts.

After adding a new Organization User, they are sent an email asking them to verify their BioT account. For details on how to do this, see Verifying Your BioT Account.