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System Concepts


The BioT platform is built around the concept of templates. Templates are a no-code way to teach the platform how key entities should look and operate. Through Templates, you design the main entities in the platform (devices, organizations, caregivers, users and patients, as described below) and build your own functionality of care around them.

Device Templates

Device Templates describe how your hardware medical devices operate, how they are provisioned, how they connect to the platform, and how the platform should connect and operate them. Among other things, you can specify what configuration parameters a device should use, what status messages it can send, what commands can be received, and what other platform entities it should be mapped to (for example, organizations, caregivers, patients, etc.).

Patient Templates

Patient Templates describe how patients are defined in the platform, what information should be provided when provisioning a patient, what type of observations (e.g. biomarker measurements) should be observed for them, and what set of capabilities they should be allowed.

Organization Templates

Organization Templates describe what data points you want to keep about the healthcare organizations you work with, including the identity of your account owner in the Organization.

Organization User Templates

Organization User Templates describe the various types of healthcare organization users, how each user type should be defined, and how they are expected to work with the platform. BioT comes preinstalled with several initial Organization User templates:

  • Organization Admin - To be used for users who are allowed to perform anything in the scope of their organization.
  • Organization Operator - A user without administrative permissions.
  • Manufacturer Admin - For use by you, the device manufacturer, to control the entire platform.
  • Manufacturer Operator - A manufacturer level user without administrative permissions.
  • BioT Support - For use by BioT technical support personnel when called to assist.

Caregiver Templates

Caregiver Templates describe the data points you want to have available regarding the caregivers (physicians, nurses, etc.), including their relationships to other entities, such as patients.

To Sum it Up

Once the templates are defined, you have determined the platform's work flow and can start ongoing operations with the platform, using the built-in portals. You can further customize the platform and build your own portal, using the no-code Portal Builder, or integrate BioT to your own UX applications using the BioT SDK.

All of BioT’s templates enable you to add unique capabilities of your own. The template structure is dynamic and not fixed, and allows you to adjust the data model so that it includes your custom parameters and behaviors. This is done via a simple UI configuration.

Operational Portals

The operational portals enable you and your clients, the healthcare organizations, to manage the full set of capabilities you designed around your devices and the rest of the platform entities.

The two types of operational portals in BioT (described below) are fully customizable through the Portal Builder:

Manufacturer Portal

This is the portal you use as a device manufacturer, to manage all of your devices and your customer healthcare organizations.

Organization Portal

This is the portal you provide to the customer healthcare organizations that use your devices. The organizations will use this portal when working with your platform. Every organization sees their own unique portal, and each organization user has access to the specific functionality they are allowed to use within their own organization.

BioT Console

The BioT Console is a third portal provided by BioT. It allows you, the device manufacturer, to configure the entire BioT platform to your needs, and essentially design the workflows, entities, and the look and feel of the entire system.
The BioT Console is comprised of 2 major functionalities - Template Definitions, and Portal Builder

Template Definitions

This is where you design the different entities in the system (devices, organizations, users, patients, and caregivers). You can build several templates of the same type of entity. For example, you may have several device templates each corresponding to a different type of medical device.

Portal Builder

Here you design the look and feel, as well as the functionality of BioT’s OEM portals that you can provide as OEM to your healthcare organization customers. The Portal Builder enables you to customize the operational portals to your needs.