BioT Non-Specific Plugins

BioT Non-Specific plugin is not subscribed to any events, and it can be called from its public address.

This plugin can also be invoked using the "CronScheduler" feature and run on a specific time frame, or can be invoked directly from your code.

When uploading a non-specific plugin as a stand alone, subscriptions dictionary needs to be empty, however it is possible to upload an interceptor plugin and a non-specific plugin combined (or any other combination), which means, that it the interceptor can be triggered by an event or API call and the non-specific can be triggered by directly accessing the public address.

Example of a Non-Specific plugin configuration file:

    "name": "Non-Specific",
    "displayName": "Non Specific",
    "version": 1,
    "runtime": "python3.12",
    "handler": "index.handler",
    "timeout": 3,
    "memorySize": 128,
    "environmentVariables": {
    "subscriptions": {
    "enabledState": "ENABLED"

Using Cron Scheduler

Since this plugin is not invoked automatically before or after any event or API calls, it is possible to schedule and automate the execution using a corn expression.

The cron expressions consist of a six field cron expression separated with white-spaces for fields: minutes,hours,day-of-month,month,day-of-week,year.


More information

More information on cron expressions can be found in this article

Each field can accept the following values:

Cron fieldValueAdditional ValueWildcards
Minutes0–59, - * /
Hours0-23, - * /
Day Of The Month1-31, - * ? / L W
Month1-12"Jan"/"Feb", etc., - * /
Day Of The Week0-6 (0 is Sunday)"Sun", "Mon", etc., - * ? L #
Year4 digit year number (e.g, 2024), - * /

Cron expression examples

"cronSchedule": "45 1/12 1-5 JAN,OCT ? *": This cron expression will trigger the plugin at 1:45 AM and 1:45 PM on the 1st through 5th of January and October, every year.

"cronSchedule": "0 6 15 1 ? 2024": This cron expression will trigger the plugin at 6:00 AM on the 15th of January, 2024, regardless of the day of the week.

"cronSchedule": "0 18 ? * 5 2024": This cron expression will trigger the plugin every Friday at 6:00 PM.

To implement the scheduler you need to pass it in the configuration data as follows:

    "name": "Non-Specific",
    "displayName": "Non Specific",
    "version": 1,
    "runtime": "python3.12",
    "handler": "index.handler",
    "timeout": 3,
    "memorySize": 128,
    "environmentVariables": {
    "subscriptions": {
    "enabledState": "ENABLED",
    "cronSchedule": "45 1/12 1-5 JAN,OCT ? *"

Now the plugin will run 1:45AM and 1:45PM on the 1st through 5th of January and October, every year.


When invoking the plugin via a cron scheduler

There is no direct mechanism to pass a JWT token as part of the cron invocation. The scheduler is designed to trigger functions automatically based on time events, and it doesn’t provide a way to include custom headers or payloads like a JWT token in the request.