Communicating with the Device Shadow
BioT uses named shadows to communicate security with the device.
This article will go over the basic communication sequence.
What is a Device Shadow
You can think of a device shadow as a persistent data store (text file) in the cloud that mirrors the state of a physical device. This file stores the current state and configuration of the device. BioT updates the shadow, and the device is automatically notified when changes are made.
Why use a Shadow
While BioT can directly send messages to devices, there are situations where this isn't ideal. For instance, the device might be offline. In these cases where BioT would like the device to get the message when the device gets back online, the device shadow comes in.
Working with Device Shadow
During normal operation while a device is connected, or when it reconnects to BioT after disconnection, it can receive /update/delta messages and should keep the device state matched with the changes in its states by:
- Reading all /update/delta messages received and synchronizing the device state to match.
- Publishing an /update message with a reported message body that has the device’s current state, whenever the device's state changes.
The following is an example showing how to update the configuration of a device:
The device state at the beginning is:
BioT “wants” to change the device color to yellow, so it will publish an update to the device’s state:
The new state will become:
The clientId in the following topics is configured in the device during the activation stage. See Direct IoT Device Integration
BioT publishes the new desired state to the delta topic:
The device updates its own state and when finished, the new state is then reported to the BioT Device state using the Update topic.
With the following JSON message:
Updated about 1 year ago