File Upload

BioT supports file and image attributes that allow you to upload files.
When adding or editing a template from BioT console, you can add a file or image attribute.
The attribute allows you to then upload and download the files from the other portal where this entity is visible.


File & Image Attributes

BioT file and image attributes are the same, except that BioT will always try to preview a thumbnail of the Image attribute when encountered but, ignore the file attribute. BioT will offer the user a link to download the file or image.

See here Postman example for uploading a file.


Uploading a file is done in 3 steps:

  1. Create new file.
  2. Upload the file.
  3. Attach the file to an existing entity.

Step 1: Create New File

To get an upload URL call the Create a new File API.

nameThe name of the file.
mimeTypeThe mime type of the file.
This parameter describes what kind of file you are uploading.
Use this list to locate common mime types.

The response will be:

  "name": "string",
  "mimeType": "string",
  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "signedUrl": "string"

Save the ID of the file as you will need it for step 3.

Step 2: Upload the File

To upload the file, use the signed URL you received in the API call from the previous step.
A signed URL is a URL that has a signature in its parameters, which allows you temporary upload rights.

To upload a file, make a PUT call to the URL and pass the file contents as the data of the API call.
For an example, see the following clip, that explains how to upload a file using Postman.

Step 3: Attach the File to an Existing Entity

A file must always be attached to an entity in BioT and cannot be left on it own.

Attaching a file is done by passing the file ID from the first step to the file attribute of the parent entity.

For example, let's say we have a Patient entity that has a file attribute analysis_file.
In this case, we will use the Update Patient API with the following body:

  "analysis_file": {
    "id": "<fileId>"

The file will be attached to the entity and will then be accessible from the portals and via API when using the Get Patient by ID API.


File Deletion

  • Detach and Delete: To delete a file attached to an entity, modify the entity and set the file’s ID to "null". This action removes the file from the entity.
  • Replace and Delete: To replace the existing file with a new one, update the entity with the new file ID. This will delete the previous file and associate the new one with the entity.
  • Entity Deletion: If you delete the entity entirely, any files associated with it will also be deleted automatically.

Note: Files not attached to any entity will not be deleted.