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Device Template

The device template allows you to configure what data should be managed for a new type of device and how it should behave. You can have multiple templates allowing for different device types or even different modus operandi of the same device type under different settings. For example, in organization A your device is set to measure heart rate & blood pressure and receives a specific configuration, while in organization B it only measures heart rate and does not need to receive configuration parameters.

The device template comes both with pre-built fields you can choose from as well as the ability to add any custom field. For each field you can specify whether it is mandatory or optional. If the field is not needed, you can delete it.

For every template you need to define the template name and you can add an optional text description of what this template represents.

Every field in the device template represents a field that may be populated when creating a new device from this template type or later in the device lifecycle. Fields are either populated by the user during configuration of the device, or by the device itself (in case of status fields). Some fields are needed for proper device operations and are received from or sent to the device.

The device template has the following different segments:

  1. General fields – Fields that define information related to the device (name, location, association with patients, time zone, etc.) that the system users need to know, but are of no concern to the device itself.

  2. Status fields – Fields that pertain to how the device sends statuses to the system and how statuses should be interpreted.

  3. Configuration fields – Fields that define what type of configurations should be sent to the device and how they should be sent.

  4. Usage Type fields – Fields that define how the device is used and how frequently it sends measurements.

General Fields Defaults

The table below shows the general fields that are available out of the box and what their default definitions are. You, the device manufacturer, can at any time change the default settings (for example, set an optional field to be mandatory).
For additional information on the different field types, see Attribute Types.

FieldDescriptionField TypeRequired (R)/ Optional (O)
NameA name to be assigned to every new device.LabelO
DescriptionA short description for the new device (for example "BO monitor for nurse station room 401").ParagraphO
Unique IDA form of unique Id that is used to identify a specific device (usually used as part of the production process- for example device S/N).LabelR
Time zoneWhat time zone the device operates in.Date TimeO
Creation timeTime the device was created (in the system or time of manufacturing- this can represent any time you want).Date TimeO
Last modified timeTime of last change done to the device entity (time it was last edited).Date TimeO
Owner OrganizationThe organization that the device is associated with (for example, a specific hospital, clinic, etc.).EntityR
PatientUsed to assign the device to a specific patient – usually only done if the device is assigned to a specific patient (for example a heart implant).EntityO

You can customize the general fields as you choose and add/remove fields from the table. The following table shows the options for adding fields to the General fields tab of the device template.

Adding a General Field

StepDescriptionField Type
Add NameThe new name of the custom general field to be added.Label
Assign FormatThe type of value format this field should hold.Label
Single Select
Multi Select
Date Time
Set DEV nameThe name of the field in the JSON message format that corresponds with this field in BioT APIs.N/A
Assign mandatoryIndicates whether the field is required or not.Flag
Assign PHIIndicates whether the field carries personal health information.Flag

Status Fields

Device status fields allow you to configure what type of statuses are available with your device. The device status tab comes with a list of pre-defined fields you can choose from as well as the ability to add or remove fields.

Built-in (Pre-defined) Status Fields

FieldDescriptionField TypeRequired (R)/ Optional (O)
FW versionThe latest firmware version of the device.LabelO
HW versionThe latest hardware version of the device.LabelO
ConnectedIndicates if the device is connected to the cloud or not.BooleanR
IP AddressThe current IP address of the device.LabelO
Last connected timeLast time the device connected to the cloud (prior to this session).Date TimeR
Certificate statusThe certificate status (installed, bootstrap, not installed).Single selectO
Boot timeLast time the device performed a boot.Date timeO
Device operational health statusThe operational status of the device – OK (working properly), critical fault, major fault, minor fault.Single selectO
Device operational health messageA text message that can be displayed when an operational status is received.Paragraph

Adding a Status Field

ActionDescriptionField Type
Add NameThe new name of the custom status field to be added.Label
Assign FormatThe type of value format this field should hold.Label
Single Select
Multi Select
Date Time
Set DEV nameThe name of the field in the JSON message format that corresponds with this field in BioT APIs.N/A
Assign mandatoryIndicates whether the field is mandatory or not.Flag
Assign PHIIndicates whether the field carries personal health information.Flag

Configuration Fields

The configuration fields tab allows you to define what configurations can be sent to the device and how they should be sent. The configuration tab does not contain built-in attributes and allows you to add any type of configuration options you choose. This is done in the same way you add other attributes to the device.

Configuration Tab (Adding Attributes)

ActionDescriptionField Type
Add NameThe new name of the custom configuration field to be added.Label
Assign FormatThe type of value format this field should hold.Label
Single Select
Multi Select
Date Time
Set DEV nameThe name that corresponds with this field when interacting with BioT's APIs and sending JSON.N/A
Assign mandatoryIndicates whether the field is mandatory or not.Flag
Assign PHIIndicates whether the field carries personal health information.Flag

Usage Type Fields

The Usage Type tab allows you to define what types of usage the device should have and how frequently measurements should be sent to BioT. The Usage Types tab does not contain built-in attributes and allows you to add any type of usage type options you choose. This is done in the same way you add other attributes to the device.

Usage Type Tab (Adding Attributes)

ActionDescriptionField Type
Add NameThe new name of the custom usage type field to be added.Label
Assign FormatThe type of value format this field should hold.Label
Single Select
Multi Select
Date Time
Set DEV nameThe name that corresponds with this field when interacting with BioT's APIs and sending JSON.N/A
Assign mandatoryIndicates whether the field is mandatory or not.Flag
Assign PHIIndicates whether the field carries personal health information.Flag

For more information on Device Templates, see Adding a Device Template.