Sending Commands
BioT sends Start and Stop command messages to the device, indicating that an operator has requested to execute a command on the device. During the command execution, the device is expected to send updates.
Each command has a unique name that appears in the topic name used to communicate with the device about this specific command.
The clientId in the following topics is configured in the device during the activation stage. See Direct Device Connection.
Device Shadow
BioT uses the device's IoT shadow to send commands. To learn how to communicate with the shadow first, click here.
Start a Command
To start a command, the device needs to listen to the following topic:
Message structure:
"version": 1,
"timestamp": 1661174307,
"state": {
"metadata": {
"context": "eyJjb21tYW5kSWQiOiI2MTkzMTIwMy00MWRiLTQ2ODUtYWRjOS1mM2U1ODBmZWRhYzYifQ==",
"state": "ACTIVE"
"data": {
"metadata": {
"metadata": {
"context": {
"timestamp": 1661174307
"state": {
"timestamp": 1661174307
"data": {
"message": {
"timestamp": 1661174307
Parameter | Description | Format |
context | A unique string representing the command. | String |
state | Indicates if the command should start or stop. | String Possible values: ACTIVE / IDLE |
CustomConfigurationAttributes | Custom configuration attributes defined in the command template and sent to the device as part of the command initial execution | key: value Example: "algo1": true, "feature1": 17.5 |
To acknowledge, send an ACK message to the following topic:
ACK Message structure (note the “reported” section):
"state": {
"reported": {
"metadata": {
"context": "eyJjb21tYW5kSWQiOiI0MmM1Zjk0OC1iNWQzLTQyYzMtYjNiZi02YmYzMTI5NjcyYjgifQ==",
"state": "ACTIVE"
"data": {
The ACK message will include all the parameters sent in the start command message.
Stopping a Command
A device can stop a command after it was completed successfully or after failure to execute.
It does so by updating the command shadow with completionState
and optionally the errorMessage
Parameter | Description | Format |
completionState | The command completion state. | String Possible values: COMPLETED/ ABORTED |
errorMessage | Optional failure message when completionState is set to ABORTED | String |
Command Success
To stop a command successfully, send the following message to the topic:
"state": {
"reported": {
"metadata": {
"completionState": "COMPLETED"
Command Failure
To stop a command after a failure, send the following message to the topic:
"state": {
"reported": {
"metadata": {
"completionState": "ABORTED",
"errorMessage": "The device failed to execute the command"
Updated 11 months ago