Start a Remote Session
BioT sends Start and Stop messages to the device to indicate that a user has requested remote control usage of the device. During the session, the device is expected to send measurements and optionally perform other additional tasks.
Each Usage Type has a unique name that appears in the topic name used to communicate with the device about this type of usage.
in the following topics is configured in the device during the activation stage. See Direct Device Connection.
Device Shadow
BioT uses the device's IoT shadow to send messages. To learn how to communicate with the shadow first, click here.
Start Session
To start a session, the device needs to listen to the following topic:
Message body:
The part is related to the session is inside the first state JSON object. The rest is a JSON wrapper added by AWS.
Also there might be some differences in the way you receive this message from the example, depending if this this is the first time this device receives the message or not.
Parameter | Description | Format |
context | A unique string representing the session. The context is passed back to BioT with every measurement message. | String |
state | Indicates if the session should start or stop. | String Possible values: SESSION_ACTIVE / SESSION_IDLE |
_requiredMeasurementIntervalMilliseconds | The minimal time between measurements in milliseconds. | Integer |
UsageCustomAttributes | Other custom attributes defined in BioT console for this usage session type. | key: value Example: "algo1": true, "feature1": false |
To acknowledge, send an ACK message to the following topic:
ACK Message structure (note the “reported” section):
"state": {
"reported": {
"metadata": {
"context": "VVVJRHMgb2YgcGFpZW5kSWQgYW5kIHNlc3Npb25JZA==",
"state": "ACTIVE"
"data": {
"_requiredMeasurementIntervalMilliseconds": 1000,
The ACK message will include all the parameters sent in the start session message.
Updated 11 months ago